Tag Archives: bruce-connery

9 peregrine falcon chicks fledge at Acadia, Precipice Trail now open to hikers

peregrine falcon chicks

Nine peregrine falcon chicks fledged at three nests at Acadia National Park in 2019, helping clear the way for the popular Precipice Trail to open. Four of the chicks fledged from the Precipice on the east face of Champlain, while three fledged from Jordan Cliffs and two from Valley Cove. That is more than last year, bringing the total up to about 150 chicks that have fledged in the last 28 years.

Peregrine falcon chicks total 8 at Acadia, Precipice Trail now open

precipice trail

Three nests at Acadia National Park produced eight peregrine falcon chicks in 2018, making for a successful year for the state-endangered birds despite the unusual failure of a nest at the Precipice. But that nest failure means the Precipice Trail is now open, earlier than the usual late July, early August time frame, after chicks fledge.

Five peregrine falcon chicks fly at Acadia, but one nest fails

Five peregrine falcon checks have fledged at nests at two sites in Acadia National Park this year, but for unknown reasons a nest failed at a third site that has yielded chicks in recent years, a biologist at the park said Friday. Bruce Connery, wildlife biologist at Acadia, said there was a pair of adult […]