Tag Archives: george-dorr

Rash of Acadia National Park vandalism: Illegal blazes, painted rocks

As many as 50 illegal spray-painted blazes marred Champlain North Ridge Trail this summer, and a host of similar off-color marks have been found elsewhere in Acadia National Park. Among other recent acts of vandalism taking away from the visitor experience and violating park rules: Painted rocks being hidden for others to find and share on social media; face masks and dog poop bags littering hiking trails; Bates-style cairns knocked over; and rocks randomly stacked.

110 years ago first gift for what would become Acadia National Park made by Eliza Homans

eliza homans

Many people know that Acadia National Park celebrated its centennial in 2016, but few realize that it was 110 years ago this month that Eliza Homans of Boston provided a stunning donation of land that helped launch the creation of the park. In May 1908, Homans, then a longtime seasonal resident of Mount Desert Island, […]

Jordan Stream Path among best hikes in Acadia National Park

Jordan Stream Path is among the shortest and most overlooked hikes in Acadia National Park, but it travels to one of the park’s most unusual sights – Cobblestone Bridge, which is quietly marking its own centennial this year. Previously badly eroded, the Jordan Stream Path looks mostly pristine, following an extensive rehabilitation overseen by Christian Barter, a park trail crew supervisor who is also the park’s poet laureate.

For Women’s History Month, stories of women of Acadia National Park

If you know a little of the history of Acadia National Park, you know who the “father of Acadia” is. But less well-known are the women who were also critical in the early days, by donating land and money or otherwise helping to shape the park. In celebration of Women’s History Month, observed in March, here are some of the stories of the women of Acadia, who perhaps could be called the “mothers of Acadia.”

Acadia year in review: Top news and blog posts, and 2017 ideas and resolutions

Without a doubt, the top news for Acadia National Park in 2016 was the Acadia Centennial, not only as celebration and time to reflect on past and future, but also as a big draw, helping to push visitation over 3.2 million, the highest since 1990. This Acadia year in review rounds up some of the […]

Following in the footsteps of George B. Dorr, the “father of Acadia”

From the top of Cadillac to the garden-like paths around Sieur de Monts, from the stacks at Jesup Memorial Library to the labs of 2 major research institutions on Mount Desert Island, the presence of George B. Dorr can be felt. Not only was Dorr the “father of Acadia,” he had a hand in creating […]