Tag Archives: mdi-marathon

Maine Strong! Virtual race with medals aids MDI, Millinocket

With businesses and non-profits hurt and tourism down from Mount Desert Island to Millinocket, a new Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race links people from around the world in support of the regions, behind the rallying cry of Maine Strong! Featuring fundraising for area charities, a special “Maine Strong” award with sparkly ribbon, and support of […]

‘MegOMoose,’ ‘mustang,’ other virtual racers lining up in Acadia to aid charity

Ready, set, go! With fun names like “MuddyMom,” “SlowCrawl,” “BunnyButt” and “TheOtherButt,” virtual racers from around Maine and the rest of the country are heading out of the starting gate of the Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race today, to help raise funds for charity in Millinocket and Acadia. Join the fun no matter where in the world you log your walking, hiking or running miles. Everyone is a winner, whether you opt for a lobster- or moose-themed medal, or get an emailed milestone postcard after virtually climbing the 26 peaks of Acadia.

Virtual race marks 100th anniversary of Acadia peaks, Millinocket library

Virtually climb 26 Acadia peaks, run the MDI and Millinocket Marathons and scale Maine’s highest mountain in a new Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race that begins Aug. 2, to help raise funds for Friends of Acadia, Millinocket Memorial Library and Our Katahdin. The race celebrates the 100th anniversary of Acadia becoming the first eastern national park and the related effort of renaming mountains, such as Cadillac, as well as of the Millinocket library. Get a chance to earn a lobster or moose-themed medal, keep up with family and friends who join and log miles no matter where they are in the world, and see a virtual tour of parts of Maine you may not have seen in real life yet. Sign up now: https://racery.com/r/acadia-virtual-races/

Maine virtual race helps make new year resolutions, friends, and Stephen King connections

Get off to a good start with 2019 new year resolutions to get fit, do good and keep up with friends – join nearly 100 virtual racers and log miles from Acadia to Katahdin no matter where in the world you are. Earn a custom medal with a star for every 20-day streak of at least 1 mile a day, with a fifth big sequined star for 100 days in a row. Help raise funds for charity. And stop by and wave a virtual hello to Stephen King.

Ready, set, go! Team Lobster vs. Moose in virtual Millinocket, MDI marathon

In a showdown promising to be more fabled than that of the tortoise and the hare, Team Lobster vs. Team Moose face off starting today, in a virtual Mount Desert Island and Millinocket marathon to help benefit Friends of Acadia, Millinocket Memorial Library and Our Katahdin. Join in on the fun by signing up now for the Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race, pick your team and set a personal mileage goal you feel you can meet between today and Oct. 14. Legendary coach Gary Allen will lead Team Lobster Virtual MDI, while epic Tricia Cyr of Moose Drop In of Millinocket will do the honors for Team Moose Virtual Millinocket. Read all about it here.

MDI Marathon named into Maine Running Hall of Fame – run it virtually now!

virtual races with medals

Congratulations to Mount Desert Island Marathon for being named into the Maine Running Hall of Fame! Proud to co-sponsor the virtual edition of this iconic race (and that of its sister race, Millinocket Marathon & Half) with you! If you’re running the MDI Marathon on Oct. 14, or the Millinocket race on Dec. 8 – or just dreaming about doing it one day – why not join the Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race as part of your training – or your daydreaming? The Virtual Edition of the Sea to Summit Series entry page is live now. You can log your running, hiking or walking miles anywhere in the world. You can backdate your miles to July 20, and log them through the end of the day Dec. 8, after the running of the real-life Millinocket race.

Real-life, virtual journey on Down East Sunrise Trail raises funds for charity

virtual race

Won’t you virtually join Jennifer Popper as she approaches the Down East Sunrise Trail in real life, to raise more than $15,000 in memory of her husband Michael, for the East Coast Greenway Alliance and FreeWalkers? We added the Ellsworth to Gouldsboro section of the Down East Sunrise Trail to the Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race in support of Jenn’s journey north. The Down East Sunrise Trail is part of the East Coast Greenway, and also the setting of Maine’s only all-night relay, Down East Sunrise Trail Relay, which had its fifth running last weekend. Everyone is a winner, even if you can’t complete the course from Acadia to Katahdin by Dec. 8. That’s because everyone who signs up will be helping to benefit charity, will earn the special Acadia to Katahdin Medallion, and will be entered into giveaways of Acadia, Millinocket and Stephen King-themed gifts. You can backdate your walking, hiking or running miles anywhere in the world, to July 20, and see your virtual race avatar move from Cadillac to Katahdin.

Hike Acadia’s 26 peaks, earn gold medal, aid charity

Have you ever hiked the 26 peaks of Acadia? Or maybe you’ve been thinking about it? Now there’s a way to earn a gold medal for bagging the peaks, or even for virtually “climbing” them, by signing up for the Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race, which runs through Dec. 8, 2018. The virtual race helps raise funds for Acadia and Katahdin-area charities. We’re proud to co-sponsor the race with Mount Desert Island Marathon & Half and Millinocket Marathon & Half as the virtual edition of the Sea to Summit Series. Between now and Dec. 8, racers are virtually heading over the 26 peaks of Acadia, along the real-life MDI and Millinocket Marathon & Half routes, passing by the offices of the 3 charities benefiting from this virtual race, skirting by at least 6 sites associated with Stephen King, and finishing on Katahdin. Everyone’s a winner whether they complete the race route by Dec. 8 or not, because every participant gets a medal, helps charity and enters a giveaway of Acadia, Millinocket and Stephen King-themed gifts. You can log your hiking, running or walking miles anywhere in the world.

New virtual race links 26 Acadia peaks, Magic City, Stephen King

On your marks! A new Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race is open now to help raise funds for charity, connect fans of Acadia National Park hiking, Millinocket and Stephen King, and jumpstart training for real-life runners, hikers and fitness walkers. Earn a medal or two and be entered in giveaways of Acadia, Millinocket and Stephen King-themed gifts, while helping Friends of Acadia, Millinocket Memorial Library and Our Katahdin.

Virtual runs from Acadia to Katahdin mark amazing journeys, raise funds

In memory of her husband Michael, who died in a kayak accident off the coast of Maine in 2016, Jennifer Popper journeys north from New Jersey to Maine, raising more than $15,000 for charity, and logging her miles on a virtual race route from Acadia National Park to Katahdin along the way. Read about her story, and the story of other virtual racers. Find out about a new virtual race starting later this month to help raise funds for Acadia, which just marked its 102nd birthday.